Orthodontist Treatment For Children And Adults In White Plains

8th Birthday Approaching? Time For a Visit to the Orthodontist!

While many parents associate braces and Orthodontist with the teen years, you may be surprised to learn that the best time for your little one to have their first Orthodontist visit is around their eighth birthday. We know, we know – they’re still running around the jungle gym and definitely not exhibiting any tween behavior (at least we hope not for your sake!).

Why by age eight?

By age 8, your child’s mouth has matured enough for a trained Orthodontist eye, like Dr. Sokoloff’s, to spot current and future issues. He can then make corrections that will help guide their jaw and teeth into a healthier place for an easier straight smile later on. 

There are many benefits to starting Orthodontist treatment as a child; these include shorter treatment time, fewer impacted permanent teeth, and a reduced chance of needing to remove teeth. That’s because with early orthodontics we can:

  • Guide teeth into desired positions early 
  • Guide jaw growth
  • Minimize crowding/creating room for erupting teeth
  • Correct the results of oral habits like thumb and finger sucking 

At Michael Sokoloff Orthodontics, we think of early orthodontics as a two-phase solution. 

  • Phase One works with your young child to make space for erupting permanent teeth. 
  • Phase Two begins once those teeth have arrived. 

If you recommend early orthodontics for my child, does that mean they won’t need braces as a teen? 

Early treatment (phase 1) can begin the correction of significant problems, prevent additional problems from developing, and simplify future treatment, that said, often additional treatment is still necessary. The good news is that children who have undergone early orthodontic treatment typically wear braces or Invisalign for a shorter period of time in their teen years than those who have not undergone early intervention. This makes life easier for both them and you, as both of your schedules get busier and busier.

If I bring my child to you at age 8 are you definitely going to recommend early Orthodontist? 

Nope! Every child is different and we customize every treatment plan to the individual. Early treatment does not necessarily benefit all children. Certain types of orthodontic problems can be more easily and efficiently corrected in the teen years when all permanent teeth have come in; some skeletal orthodontic problems should not be addressed until growth is more advanced or complete. Dr. Sokoloff develops a customized treatment plan based on each individual child’s needs.

In order to create a custom treatment plan for your child, we need to see you! Click below to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Sokoloff and our highly specialized (and friendly) team. We can’t wait to meet you and your eight-year-old! 







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Do you have questions or comments about our orthodontic services? We encourage you to contact us using the quick form below or call our office directly. Your journey to a beautiful, healthy smile starts with Michael Sokoloff Orthodontics.

Please Contact Us With Any Questions

Michael Sokoloff Orthodontics

Michael Sokoloff, DDS, LLC


20 Old Mamaroneck Rd, Suite C
White Plains, New York 10605

Email: securemail@docsokortho.com
Current Patient: (914)949-0068
New Patient: (914)256-1344
Fax: 914-761-7047

Office Hours
Mon - Thur: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Fridays Bi-Monthly: 8:00 AM -5:00 PM
1 Saturday Per Month: 7:30AM - 12:30 PM
Sundays: CLOSED