Best Orthodontist near Scarsdale, NY - Sokoloff Orthodontics

Orthodontist Near Scarsdale, NY

You started searching for an orthodontist near Scarsdale, NY, and you’ve run into a problem. There are so many options that you can’t decide who to choose. The location should only be one of the factors you consider when selecting an orthodontist. Find out what else you should consider.

Orthodontist Near Scarsdale NYChoose an Orthodontist Near Scarsdale, New York, With Experience

You want the best outcome when you undergo orthodontic treatment. That means you need an orthodontist who has years of experience treating patients. Experienced orthodontists can detect issues, consider outcomes, and recommend the right treatment. They get more skilled at each treatment they provide, so you can expect to achieve the outcome you want.

Go With an Orthodontist That Accepts Insurance and Reduced-Fee Plans

When you search for an orthodontist near Scarsdale, NY, you should also consider the insurance and reduced-fee plans the provider accepts. This will make it easier for you to pay for the treatment. Keep in mind that only some dentists accept insurance, and even fewer take reduced-fee plans. Reduced-fee plans are an excellent option for those who don’t have orthodontic coverage. You can save a huge amount of money when you sign up for a plan.

Check Google Reviews

You look at online reviews before you buy a TV or a vehicle. You should do the same when selecting an orthodontist near Scarsdale, NY. Look up the provider on Google reviews, so you can find out what to expect if you choose that provider.

Get Everything You Want and Need at Sokoloff Orthodontics

Dr. Sokoloff has been practicing since 2011. He accepts insurance and reduced-fee plans and has tons of positive reviews. If you want a top orthodontist near Scarsdale, NY, you will be pleased with Sokoloff Orthodontics.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Dr. Sokoloff and the team at Sokoloff Orthodontics are experts in orthodontia near Scarsdale, NY. We are happy to answer any questions pertaining to Invisalign, Invisalign Teen, braces, and clear braces in Scarsdale, NY, 10583 and the surrounding areas. If you would like to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Sokoloff, please contact Sokoloff Orthodontics at (914) 949-0068 or visit

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Do you have questions or comments about our orthodontic services? We encourage you to contact us using the quick form below or call our office directly. Your journey to a beautiful, healthy smile starts with Michael Sokoloff Orthodontics.

Please Contact Us With Any Questions

Michael Sokoloff Orthodontics

Michael Sokoloff, DDS, LLC

20 Old Mamaroneck Rd, Suite C
White Plains, New York 10605

Current Patient: (914)949-0068
New Patient: (914)303-6734
Fax: 914-761-7047

Office Hours
Mon - Thur: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Fridays Bi-Monthly: 8:00 AM -5:00 PM
1 Saturday Per Month: 7:30AM - 12:30 PM
Sundays: CLOSED